
Teatro Olimpico (Vicenza, Italy)

維琴察(Vicenza)除了是世界黃金飾品重鎮以外,也因為十六世紀兩位著名的建築師帕拉底歐(Andrea Palladio)與其弟子斯卡莫齊(Vincenzo Scamozzi)聞名於世。帕拉底歐在維琴察省思所留下的許多經典建築,是許多建築人朝聖之地,而被聯合國科教文組織列為世界遺產的奧林匹克劇院,是大師的最後遺作。
Vicenza is not only famous for its gold fairs. Its fame also comes from two world renowned architects, Andrea Palladio and his pupil Vicenza Scamozzi, in the 16th century. Palladio left behind many classic villas in Vicenza province, and the area thus becomes a pilgrimage place for architects. The Olympic Theater, which is listed in the World Heritage List, is the last work of Palladio.

在所有早期興建的劇院中,維琴察的奧林匹克劇院是至今尚存的古蹟之一。西元1555年,維琴察市奧林匹克藝術學院(Accademia Olimpica)成立。學院在成立初期的宗旨,主要是研究希臘悲劇,而為了要上演戲劇作品,便延請當時已經相當知名的帕拉底歐替學院設計一座劇場。然而,劇場開始施工的第一年(西元1580),帕拉底歐便去世,因而由弟子斯卡莫齊接手,因此奧林匹克劇院其實是兩位大師的心血結晶。
The Olympic Theater in Vicenza is one of the early theaters that remains intact until now. In 1555, Accademia Olimpica in Vicenza was established, with a mission to study classical Greek dramas. To put the works on stage, the Accademia invited Palladio to design a theater for it. However, Palladio passed away in 1580, the very first year when the construction began. His pupil Scamozzi took over and completed the project. The Olympic Theater is actually a work from both masters.

In the day time, the Olympic Theater is one of the tourist attractions in Vicenza. Going through a small statue garden with pebbles on its passage, visitors enter an old building. On the corridor hang paintings of nobles from various painters. Signs of wars can be spotted on the frescos. Following the direction through a narrow walkway, a splendid theater opens up the eyes of the visitors. The stage, wooden seating, the setting and various plaster statues bring its visitors back to the Roman age. The ceiling is turned into beautiful sky, with colors of Venice sunset. A mixture of light pink, golden orage and sky blue bring such a romantic touch. It reminds me the very first time I visited Venice. The painters recorded what they saw with their own eyes. On the stage, there are five passages designed according to perspectives, showing Scamozzi's interpretation of ancient Greek town Thebes, creating depth with visual effects in such a small space. How can these wooden works survive the war? Iwas told that during the war, the manager of the theater was afraid that these presious works would be damaged, and took the initiative to hide the whole set in the country side. It was returned only after the war came to its end. Thanks to his good will, we can still see these masterpiece with our own eyes.


Karin said...

Hi Thelma,
Your description of the ceiling is really good. It made me want to go have a look at this much treasured piece of art.

Thelma said...

ha ha... you're welcome. if you come for a visit, surely that'll be one of the must-go in vicenza. now that I've got driving liscence, it's more possible that I can take you around even when michele is stuck with work.