Museo Egizio (Torino, Italy)
許多義大利朋友在聽到我頂著博物館學碩士的‘光環’之際,總喜歡跟我提上幾座在義大利響有盛名的博物館,而位於杜林市(Torino)的埃及博物館(Museo Egizio)便名列其中。
When some Italian friends get to know that I've got a MA in museum studies, they always like to mention some famous museums in Italy. The Museo Egizio is very often mentioned.
Michele is the first one to let me know the existence of this museum. It has been well-known since the 17th century, when activities of archaeological excavation were poular. So it doesn't surprise me that Italians are quite proud of it. For its fame and my own interests in Egytian culture, I made it a must-go when I visited Turin for the first time in 2003.
When I entered the museum, I was surprised by its out-dated and fusty atmosphere. Probably due to my stereotypic idea, I always put an equal sign on fame and operational expense. Also, I was probably too used to the scale of several national museums in UK. Therefore, when I stepped into the museum, there's a big question mark in my mind.
進入第一個展區,最先穿過的是一個由兩個弧形玻璃櫥窗圍成的區域,中央擺著整個展區的焦點展示 – 木乃伊。還記得小時後第一次到大英博物館的時候,應是擠進人潮之中,就是想要一賭木乃伊的‘丰采’;長大以後,幾經思考所謂生與死的議題,加上在博物館界對於展示人體的爭論不斷,我的態度也逐漸向反對一方移動;該日在博物館內再次看到木乃伊,實際上是一種震驚的感覺…人體被物化,毫無尊嚴可言地被展示在博物館中,頓時間一陣窒息感湧上心頭,讓我只能快速穿過,往同展區的其他部分走去,希望能藉此轉移注意力。概念上而言,這個展區的設計手法可以是整個博物館的引介,而館方也確實做到了這一點,以編年史的方式配合文物,讓參觀者能夠對博物館內涵括的年代有點概念,然而,展示的老舊卻顯露在零散的解說牌上,紙張因為維護不佳或年代久遠而起了皺折,或者整個解說版根本就掉到展示櫃下方,加上肉眼清晰可見的灰塵,只能說,也許館方真是人力不足,連基本的清潔維護都做不到。
Entering the first exhibition area, I immediately passed through an area surrounded by two semicircular exhibition cases. At the center of the area lies the focus of the whole exhibition area - a mummy. I still remember when I went to the British Museum for the first time, I tried so hard to get into the crowd, just to see the mummy that has been keeping me curious for very long time. Years passed by. When I got older, I started to think about issues related to life and death. Getting to know the dispute of exhibiting human remains in the museum context, my attitude changed from positive to negative, for respect of individual life. The visit to the Museo Egizio was the second time to see a mummy exhibited in the museum. My feeling? Well, honestly, it's quite a shocking feeling. Human body is materialized and exhibited in a museum without respect. I felt suffocated. I walked through with a fast pace, hoping to turn my attention to other exhibits in the same room. Concept wise, the first area acts as an introduction to the whole museum, and the exhibition actually achieves its purpose. The exhibition continues with a chronological order and gives visitors some idea about the time span that will be covered. However, the exhibtion is ill-maintained. Some exhibition panels scattered or fallen. Uneven paper due to humidity with faded color. Dust all around. It seems that they don't have enough staff and can not even keep the basic maintenance.
The following visit was like a disaster. The orientation inside the museum is pretty terrible, no place to sit down and take a rest, and no maintenance of illumination facility. There's one time that we arrived an area that looked like emergency exit and did not know how to continue our visit. All these things kept lowering my mood and impression. The thing that impressed me the most should be the exhibition hall dedicated to marble statues. I bought a museum guide when I entered. There're some basic and historical information about the museum, with a sketch of the exhibition hall in the 19th century. I took it for comparison... it's basically identical!! There're new exhibitions standing along side with old ones, though I don't think that the new ones were done with a basic standard. I couldn't really stand the atmosphere and I just wanted to leave.
With the condition of the museum, a simple audioguide can largely improve the quality of the visitor experience. After I inquired the staff, I was told that there wasn't such plan in the near future, and she even recommended me to buy the catalogue of the museum, thinking that I'd be able to get the information I need inside the 8cm thick book. Is museum exhibition equal to textbook? It's not the first time that I had to face such situation. I admitted that I didn't do my "homework" before I went for the visit. But it's because all my visit experiences told me that I could alwats find a thread to enjoy my visit. However, I was totally wrong this time.
There're many museums in Italy that Italian are proud of. In many cases, it's due to the quality of the collection, but not the outstanding exhibition. However, no matter how high the quality of the collection is, how prescious the artefacrs are, if visitors can not feel and experience the beauty and essence within, or don't even leave any impression after the visit, somehow it still can not justify itself.
When some Italian friends get to know that I've got a MA in museum studies, they always like to mention some famous museums in Italy. The Museo Egizio is very often mentioned.
Michele is the first one to let me know the existence of this museum. It has been well-known since the 17th century, when activities of archaeological excavation were poular. So it doesn't surprise me that Italians are quite proud of it. For its fame and my own interests in Egytian culture, I made it a must-go when I visited Turin for the first time in 2003.
When I entered the museum, I was surprised by its out-dated and fusty atmosphere. Probably due to my stereotypic idea, I always put an equal sign on fame and operational expense. Also, I was probably too used to the scale of several national museums in UK. Therefore, when I stepped into the museum, there's a big question mark in my mind.
進入第一個展區,最先穿過的是一個由兩個弧形玻璃櫥窗圍成的區域,中央擺著整個展區的焦點展示 – 木乃伊。還記得小時後第一次到大英博物館的時候,應是擠進人潮之中,就是想要一賭木乃伊的‘丰采’;長大以後,幾經思考所謂生與死的議題,加上在博物館界對於展示人體的爭論不斷,我的態度也逐漸向反對一方移動;該日在博物館內再次看到木乃伊,實際上是一種震驚的感覺…人體被物化,毫無尊嚴可言地被展示在博物館中,頓時間一陣窒息感湧上心頭,讓我只能快速穿過,往同展區的其他部分走去,希望能藉此轉移注意力。概念上而言,這個展區的設計手法可以是整個博物館的引介,而館方也確實做到了這一點,以編年史的方式配合文物,讓參觀者能夠對博物館內涵括的年代有點概念,然而,展示的老舊卻顯露在零散的解說牌上,紙張因為維護不佳或年代久遠而起了皺折,或者整個解說版根本就掉到展示櫃下方,加上肉眼清晰可見的灰塵,只能說,也許館方真是人力不足,連基本的清潔維護都做不到。
Entering the first exhibition area, I immediately passed through an area surrounded by two semicircular exhibition cases. At the center of the area lies the focus of the whole exhibition area - a mummy. I still remember when I went to the British Museum for the first time, I tried so hard to get into the crowd, just to see the mummy that has been keeping me curious for very long time. Years passed by. When I got older, I started to think about issues related to life and death. Getting to know the dispute of exhibiting human remains in the museum context, my attitude changed from positive to negative, for respect of individual life. The visit to the Museo Egizio was the second time to see a mummy exhibited in the museum. My feeling? Well, honestly, it's quite a shocking feeling. Human body is materialized and exhibited in a museum without respect. I felt suffocated. I walked through with a fast pace, hoping to turn my attention to other exhibits in the same room. Concept wise, the first area acts as an introduction to the whole museum, and the exhibition actually achieves its purpose. The exhibition continues with a chronological order and gives visitors some idea about the time span that will be covered. However, the exhibtion is ill-maintained. Some exhibition panels scattered or fallen. Uneven paper due to humidity with faded color. Dust all around. It seems that they don't have enough staff and can not even keep the basic maintenance.
The following visit was like a disaster. The orientation inside the museum is pretty terrible, no place to sit down and take a rest, and no maintenance of illumination facility. There's one time that we arrived an area that looked like emergency exit and did not know how to continue our visit. All these things kept lowering my mood and impression. The thing that impressed me the most should be the exhibition hall dedicated to marble statues. I bought a museum guide when I entered. There're some basic and historical information about the museum, with a sketch of the exhibition hall in the 19th century. I took it for comparison... it's basically identical!! There're new exhibitions standing along side with old ones, though I don't think that the new ones were done with a basic standard. I couldn't really stand the atmosphere and I just wanted to leave.
With the condition of the museum, a simple audioguide can largely improve the quality of the visitor experience. After I inquired the staff, I was told that there wasn't such plan in the near future, and she even recommended me to buy the catalogue of the museum, thinking that I'd be able to get the information I need inside the 8cm thick book. Is museum exhibition equal to textbook? It's not the first time that I had to face such situation. I admitted that I didn't do my "homework" before I went for the visit. But it's because all my visit experiences told me that I could alwats find a thread to enjoy my visit. However, I was totally wrong this time.
There're many museums in Italy that Italian are proud of. In many cases, it's due to the quality of the collection, but not the outstanding exhibition. However, no matter how high the quality of the collection is, how prescious the artefacrs are, if visitors can not feel and experience the beauty and essence within, or don't even leave any impression after the visit, somehow it still can not justify itself.
UCC Coffee Museum (Kobe, Japan)
從小就知道UCC的大名,也喝了他家不少咖啡,不過一直到某次在網路上搜尋資料,才無意間知道原來是間日本公司。這次到日本之前,花了不少時間規劃行程,在Kansai Window的網站上知道了UCC咖啡博物館的存在;以前總覺得以咖啡為主題的博物館,應該會出現在像義大利這種咖啡文化極為發達的地方,截果到目前為止所發現的兩間,一間在英國倫敦,另一間則在日本神戶,在義大利連個影兒都沒看到。
UCC, a company that I got to know since I was a kid. I actually drank pretty much coffee from this company. It was not until a couple years ago when I tried to do some research on the net that I discovered that this company is from Japan. Before I went to Japan in 2003, I spent too much time organizing my trip. In the Kansai Window, a web site which provides lots of useful information for travelers to Kansai area in Japan, I found a short introduction of this museum. I used to think that a museum with coffee as its theme should appear in a country with popular coffee culture, such as Italy. However, so far I only got to know two museums of this sort, one is in London UK and the other in Kobe Japan. As to Italy? Never heard of it!
我們一出車站就看到了博物館所在的圓頂式建築。這棟建築物原本是UCC上島咖啡株式會社為了1981年神戶市政府所舉辦的Portopia Expo所建造,是該公司在博覽會的展示區。博覽會結束後,UCC公司決定將它改為博物館,向民眾「傳達出咖啡的趣味與美妙」,並於昭和62年(1987年)正式開館。
I went to visit the UCC museum with my counsin. The "duom" where the museum is situated is quite an obvious building outside the station. The UCC company built this site for the Portopia Expo in 1981, and it was actually the exhibition area of the company during the Expo. After the Expo was finished, the company converted the site into a museum to "deliver the interests and loveliness of coffee" to the general public. It was officially open to the public in 1987.
There are six permanant exhibition areas, introducing the origin, plantation, distribution, toasting and culture of coffee as well as basic information. We took the escalator that brought us from the ground floor to the top floor and started the visit following a circular route through every exhibition area. Various interpretation methods, including images, texts, films, and audio messages, are used to accompany artefacts. It offers quite a diversified visual interests to the visitors. The most impressive part for me is the coffee plants that are exhibited in a green house structure. It was the first time that I've ever got to see a real coffee tree, its red fruit and the white flowers. (Yes... the only impression I had about coffee is the toasted coffee beans... what a shame...) Besides, there's a collection of various equipments that were used for toasting coffee. Another impressive view is formed by eight "tubes" of coffee beans with different toasted degrees. I've realized that it's quite a deep "knowledge" and I can eventually enjoy my coffee "with a bit more culture" after the visit.
在第五展示室中,陳列著來自世界各地的咖啡杯、各種煮咖啡的器具,還有各地咖啡名店的菜單和杯墊等。我和表妹兩人除了忙著欣賞美麗的咖啡杯、觀看各個示範咖啡沖泡的影片以外,也努力地記下所謂的咖啡名店到底是哪些,有機會到該地旅行也可以去試試。只是,以我自己在義大利的經驗而言,這些名店的咖啡有時候不一定好喝,很多時候是因為其他原因而聲名大噪,例如義大利威尼斯一地的Florian Cafe',咖啡貴地要死,也並不是太特別,當時真的跑進去,還不是因為生性浪漫的老公想要讓我看看這家威尼斯最老的咖啡館裡有著哪些漂亮的裝潢,現在到威尼斯去的時候,每次必定會去報到喝咖啡買咖啡的地方,倒是變了…
In the fifth exhibition area, there're coffee cups, coffee makers, menus from famous cafe's from all over the world. We were busy looking around and watching the short films which introduce how to make various styles of coffee. We also tried to take a note of all the famous cafe's so that we might get the chance to visit these places in person in the future. However, with my own experiences in Italy, coffee from these famous cafe's is not necessarily good. Many become famous for other reasons. Take the Florian Cafe' in Venice as an example. The coffee that is served inside the shop is really expensive, and honestly nothing too special about it. I actually went inside with my husband because he wanted to show me the beautiful decoration of it. It is anyway the oldest cafe' in Venice. My must go place for coffee in Venice is actually somewhere else.
There's a computer quiz in the last exhibition area. It is said that if one visits the museum carefully, he should be able to pass the exam and get the certificate as a "coffee doctor". Honestly we weren't too interested in this kind of thing. So we took a look and then went into the museum shop.
With a 100 yen coupon that we received when we entered the museum, we stood in front of the museum cafe' and tried to check its menu. The smell of the coffee was inviting but we were just so hungry that we wanted to find a place to have lunch. There weren't too many main meals in the cafe' so we just left the museum and gave up the chance to taste the coffee in the coffee museum...
Official Museum Web Site:www.ucc.co.jp/eng/
UCC, a company that I got to know since I was a kid. I actually drank pretty much coffee from this company. It was not until a couple years ago when I tried to do some research on the net that I discovered that this company is from Japan. Before I went to Japan in 2003, I spent too much time organizing my trip. In the Kansai Window, a web site which provides lots of useful information for travelers to Kansai area in Japan, I found a short introduction of this museum. I used to think that a museum with coffee as its theme should appear in a country with popular coffee culture, such as Italy. However, so far I only got to know two museums of this sort, one is in London UK and the other in Kobe Japan. As to Italy? Never heard of it!
我們一出車站就看到了博物館所在的圓頂式建築。這棟建築物原本是UCC上島咖啡株式會社為了1981年神戶市政府所舉辦的Portopia Expo所建造,是該公司在博覽會的展示區。博覽會結束後,UCC公司決定將它改為博物館,向民眾「傳達出咖啡的趣味與美妙」,並於昭和62年(1987年)正式開館。
I went to visit the UCC museum with my counsin. The "duom" where the museum is situated is quite an obvious building outside the station. The UCC company built this site for the Portopia Expo in 1981, and it was actually the exhibition area of the company during the Expo. After the Expo was finished, the company converted the site into a museum to "deliver the interests and loveliness of coffee" to the general public. It was officially open to the public in 1987.

There are six permanant exhibition areas, introducing the origin, plantation, distribution, toasting and culture of coffee as well as basic information. We took the escalator that brought us from the ground floor to the top floor and started the visit following a circular route through every exhibition area. Various interpretation methods, including images, texts, films, and audio messages, are used to accompany artefacts. It offers quite a diversified visual interests to the visitors. The most impressive part for me is the coffee plants that are exhibited in a green house structure. It was the first time that I've ever got to see a real coffee tree, its red fruit and the white flowers. (Yes... the only impression I had about coffee is the toasted coffee beans... what a shame...) Besides, there's a collection of various equipments that were used for toasting coffee. Another impressive view is formed by eight "tubes" of coffee beans with different toasted degrees. I've realized that it's quite a deep "knowledge" and I can eventually enjoy my coffee "with a bit more culture" after the visit.
在第五展示室中,陳列著來自世界各地的咖啡杯、各種煮咖啡的器具,還有各地咖啡名店的菜單和杯墊等。我和表妹兩人除了忙著欣賞美麗的咖啡杯、觀看各個示範咖啡沖泡的影片以外,也努力地記下所謂的咖啡名店到底是哪些,有機會到該地旅行也可以去試試。只是,以我自己在義大利的經驗而言,這些名店的咖啡有時候不一定好喝,很多時候是因為其他原因而聲名大噪,例如義大利威尼斯一地的Florian Cafe',咖啡貴地要死,也並不是太特別,當時真的跑進去,還不是因為生性浪漫的老公想要讓我看看這家威尼斯最老的咖啡館裡有著哪些漂亮的裝潢,現在到威尼斯去的時候,每次必定會去報到喝咖啡買咖啡的地方,倒是變了…
In the fifth exhibition area, there're coffee cups, coffee makers, menus from famous cafe's from all over the world. We were busy looking around and watching the short films which introduce how to make various styles of coffee. We also tried to take a note of all the famous cafe's so that we might get the chance to visit these places in person in the future. However, with my own experiences in Italy, coffee from these famous cafe's is not necessarily good. Many become famous for other reasons. Take the Florian Cafe' in Venice as an example. The coffee that is served inside the shop is really expensive, and honestly nothing too special about it. I actually went inside with my husband because he wanted to show me the beautiful decoration of it. It is anyway the oldest cafe' in Venice. My must go place for coffee in Venice is actually somewhere else.
There's a computer quiz in the last exhibition area. It is said that if one visits the museum carefully, he should be able to pass the exam and get the certificate as a "coffee doctor". Honestly we weren't too interested in this kind of thing. So we took a look and then went into the museum shop.
With a 100 yen coupon that we received when we entered the museum, we stood in front of the museum cafe' and tried to check its menu. The smell of the coffee was inviting but we were just so hungry that we wanted to find a place to have lunch. There weren't too many main meals in the cafe' so we just left the museum and gave up the chance to taste the coffee in the coffee museum...
Official Museum Web Site:www.ucc.co.jp/eng/
Galleria dell'Accademia (Florence, Italy)
學院美術館為收藏米開朗基羅作品之重鎮,藏有包括大衛像(Davide)、聖馬太(San Matteo)、四座囚徒(Quattro Prigioni)等知名雕塑品,此外該館也收藏包括拜占庭文化、宗教藝術、樂器收藏與佛羅倫斯一帶幾位重要藝術家的作品。
大部分參觀者到學院美術館的原因,不外乎是要一窺「大衛像」的真面目,我個人探訪佛羅倫斯一地已有五次之多,然而過去幾次的經驗,了不起只是在領主廣場(Piazza della Signoria)上看看複製品,一直到這次到佛羅倫斯訪友之際,才有機會實際到學院美術館觀賞真品。
進入美術館之後,我們首先來到一間燈光昏暗的展覽室,中央置放著一座題為「掠奪薩賓族婦女(Ratto delle Sabine)」的石膏像,圍繞著石膏像則展示著許多十六世紀以宗教為主題之畫作。坦白說,因為參觀目的不在於此,另一方面這也不是我個人特別感興趣的主題,所以我和友人僅是稍事觀賞一番,便匆匆走進下一個展覽廳。
學院美術館為收藏米開朗基羅作品之重鎮,藏有包括大衛像(Davide)、聖馬太(San Matteo)、四座囚徒(Quattro Prigioni)等知名雕塑品,此外該館也收藏包括拜占庭文化、宗教藝術、樂器收藏與佛羅倫斯一帶幾位重要藝術家的作品。
大部分參觀者到學院美術館的原因,不外乎是要一窺「大衛像」的真面目,我個人探訪佛羅倫斯一地已有五次之多,然而過去幾次的經驗,了不起只是在領主廣場(Piazza della Signoria)上看看複製品,一直到這次到佛羅倫斯訪友之際,才有機會實際到學院美術館觀賞真品。
進入美術館之後,我們首先來到一間燈光昏暗的展覽室,中央置放著一座題為「掠奪薩賓族婦女(Ratto delle Sabine)」的石膏像,圍繞著石膏像則展示著許多十六世紀以宗教為主題之畫作。坦白說,因為參觀目的不在於此,另一方面這也不是我個人特別感興趣的主題,所以我和友人僅是稍事觀賞一番,便匆匆走進下一個展覽廳。
Jorvik Viking Center (York, UK)
I visited York when I was still doing my master study in UK. During that period, I was going around visiting museums for my thesis, and that's how I arrived Leeds, a city that is not too far from York. Before I departed from London, I didn't really plan the trip. I only knew that during the two-day trip I had to visit the Thackray Medical Museum because I took it as one of my case studies. All the time left was for pleasure and I'd see how my mood was. I was staying at a B&B in Leeds. In the evening, I took out the map, trying to check if there's anything interesting around this area. I happily discovered that York is lying so close to Leeds and decided to visit the little town that I've been thinking to go since a while.
約克以維京人的考古遺址聞名於世,到此玩耍,必然不能放過著名的約克維京中心。這座開放於1984年的博物館,肇始於1976至1981年間,英國約克市發現了世界上保存最完整的維京人文物遺址。在挖掘的五年間,於此地出土的文物有上萬件,而且保存狀況非常的良好。於是,在考古發掘工作完成之後的第三年,這座由約克考古公益信託社(York Archaeological Trust)所經營管理的約克維京中心,便正式向世人開放。
York is famous for Viking heritage sites. The Jorvik Viking Centre is a must-go when one visits the town. The museum (center) was opened in 1984. From 1976 to 1981, some excavation works were going on and the most important Viking heritage in the world was found. During the five year excavation, more than 10,000 pieces of artefacts were found and they were all in excellent condition. Three years after the excavation project was completed, the Jorvik Viking Center operated by York Archaeological Trust was open to the public.
The museum is situated on top of an ancient Viking village. During the excavation, all artefacts were taken to laboratories for treatment and then put back to their original location. What were found include houses, utensils and objects that were used in everyday life. The purpose of the museum is to help visitors understand archaeological excavation work as well as Viking culture that existed more than one thousand years ago.
I entered the museum from ground floor. After I bought the ticket, I walked down the stairs and passed through a series of explanation panels before I entered the level where the Viking village is/was situated. I was guided onto a train track cart for a "back in time" ride. The striking feeling came from the fact that the cart is moving backward while visitors are introduced to a series of historical events, such as the second world wide war, the first world wide war, the civil war in UK, before arriving Viking period back in around one thousand years ago. I listened to the audio information from the built-in speakers in the cart. It's like stepping into the past through time channel along with old stories.
After entering the actual site of the Viking village, the cart started to move forward. I arrived a Viking village that was re-constructed according to all the artefats and information found during the excavation. There're sounds, smells and visual effects to present how a Viking lived his life. Markets, houses, fishing boats, even odorous toilette are presented with diorama, to be as lively as possible dated back to 975 A.D. Even the wax figures were made according to the skeleton found during the excavation.
I passed through a dark tunnel. When everything was bright and back to daylight again, I was situated at an excavation site. It's trying to show the visitors the process of an excavation work and the later analysis as well as research work. So visitors might be able to get some idea as to how experts how to reconstruct this ancient village and how lab works are like. Visitors also get the chance to examine artifacts and utilises some apparatus.
The next area is focusing on static exhibition. Museum staff dressed as Vikings are presented. Visitors can catch a glimpse of the lives of Vikings through more than 800 pieces of artefacts.
Since its opening, there're more than 13 million people that have visited the musseum. At the time of the opening, an interpretation incorporating human senses including audio, visual and smell to enhance visitor experiences was very innovative. It keeps attracting thousands of visitors, and for its success, many other institutes in the world tried to apply similar ideas and concepts. It opened a new page to heritage interpretation and is very often referred to in the heritage and museum sector. All these can be realised and understood with a single visit!
PS1. Year of visit: 2000
PS2. For images of the exhibition, please go to YAT Photographic Archive and find "JORVIK" on the left side.
I visited York when I was still doing my master study in UK. During that period, I was going around visiting museums for my thesis, and that's how I arrived Leeds, a city that is not too far from York. Before I departed from London, I didn't really plan the trip. I only knew that during the two-day trip I had to visit the Thackray Medical Museum because I took it as one of my case studies. All the time left was for pleasure and I'd see how my mood was. I was staying at a B&B in Leeds. In the evening, I took out the map, trying to check if there's anything interesting around this area. I happily discovered that York is lying so close to Leeds and decided to visit the little town that I've been thinking to go since a while.
約克以維京人的考古遺址聞名於世,到此玩耍,必然不能放過著名的約克維京中心。這座開放於1984年的博物館,肇始於1976至1981年間,英國約克市發現了世界上保存最完整的維京人文物遺址。在挖掘的五年間,於此地出土的文物有上萬件,而且保存狀況非常的良好。於是,在考古發掘工作完成之後的第三年,這座由約克考古公益信託社(York Archaeological Trust)所經營管理的約克維京中心,便正式向世人開放。
York is famous for Viking heritage sites. The Jorvik Viking Centre is a must-go when one visits the town. The museum (center) was opened in 1984. From 1976 to 1981, some excavation works were going on and the most important Viking heritage in the world was found. During the five year excavation, more than 10,000 pieces of artefacts were found and they were all in excellent condition. Three years after the excavation project was completed, the Jorvik Viking Center operated by York Archaeological Trust was open to the public.
The museum is situated on top of an ancient Viking village. During the excavation, all artefacts were taken to laboratories for treatment and then put back to their original location. What were found include houses, utensils and objects that were used in everyday life. The purpose of the museum is to help visitors understand archaeological excavation work as well as Viking culture that existed more than one thousand years ago.
I entered the museum from ground floor. After I bought the ticket, I walked down the stairs and passed through a series of explanation panels before I entered the level where the Viking village is/was situated. I was guided onto a train track cart for a "back in time" ride. The striking feeling came from the fact that the cart is moving backward while visitors are introduced to a series of historical events, such as the second world wide war, the first world wide war, the civil war in UK, before arriving Viking period back in around one thousand years ago. I listened to the audio information from the built-in speakers in the cart. It's like stepping into the past through time channel along with old stories.
After entering the actual site of the Viking village, the cart started to move forward. I arrived a Viking village that was re-constructed according to all the artefats and information found during the excavation. There're sounds, smells and visual effects to present how a Viking lived his life. Markets, houses, fishing boats, even odorous toilette are presented with diorama, to be as lively as possible dated back to 975 A.D. Even the wax figures were made according to the skeleton found during the excavation.
I passed through a dark tunnel. When everything was bright and back to daylight again, I was situated at an excavation site. It's trying to show the visitors the process of an excavation work and the later analysis as well as research work. So visitors might be able to get some idea as to how experts how to reconstruct this ancient village and how lab works are like. Visitors also get the chance to examine artifacts and utilises some apparatus.
The next area is focusing on static exhibition. Museum staff dressed as Vikings are presented. Visitors can catch a glimpse of the lives of Vikings through more than 800 pieces of artefacts.
Since its opening, there're more than 13 million people that have visited the musseum. At the time of the opening, an interpretation incorporating human senses including audio, visual and smell to enhance visitor experiences was very innovative. It keeps attracting thousands of visitors, and for its success, many other institutes in the world tried to apply similar ideas and concepts. It opened a new page to heritage interpretation and is very often referred to in the heritage and museum sector. All these can be realised and understood with a single visit!
PS1. Year of visit: 2000
PS2. For images of the exhibition, please go to YAT Photographic Archive and find "JORVIK" on the left side.
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